Hi Everyone,
As discussed at the June 1, 2017 EDBA Meeting, the following constitutes EDBA’s Summer Badminton Program:
1. Edmonton Chinese Badminton at Concordia College Sunday and Wednesday
(http://www.edmontonchinesebadmintonclub.ca/) ;
2. Southgate Badminton at Saville Community Sports Centre Sunday (http://southgatebc.wixsite.com/southgatebadminton) ;
3. Southside Badminton at Saville Community Sports Centre Monday and Friday (http://www.southsidebadminton.ca/) ;
4. EDBA at Saville Community Sports Centre Sunday (https://edba.org/2017-edba-summer-badminton/) .
Please follow the respective links above if you need additional information about the various 2017 EDBA Summer Badminton Program offering.
James Lin, P.Eng.
President, Edmonton District Badminton Association
Edmonton District Badminton Association