
The EDBA is a volunteer-run organization. An EDBA Board manages the daily operation of the EDBA. All executives positions are filled by volunteers and are unpaid.

Volunteers are vital to the continuing success of the EDBA. If you are interested in volunteering, please e-mail us at info@edba.org.

Executive positions and their responsibilities are defined in the EDBA Bylaws. Executives are elected annually at the EDBA Annual General Meeting typically held in September each year.

The following are the 2022/23 EDBA Executives:

Curtis Chow
Amy Choy
Andy Ho
Vacant (Crystal/Felix to help)
Casino Director
Felix Yuen
Tournament Director
David Trieu
Director At-Large (Booking Team)
Tony Yip
Director At-Large (Webmaster)
Rick Eng
Director At-Large
York Chang
Director At-Large
Wing Hui
Booking Officer
David Trieu
Director of Interclub
Carl Chow
Publicity Chairman
William Kwan
Director of Coaching
Jay Cameron

Besides the EDBA Board, each member club of the EDBA can nominate up to two people to sit on the EDBA Representative Committee. The EDBA Board and the Representative Committee together manages the affairs of the EDBA through a voting process.